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Agency Challenge

To keep the agency relevant, a new positioning to drive business development and align all parts of the business.  A lot had changed since the agency’s creation over 40 years ago.  There was no consistency or meaning behind what the company stood for. 


My Solution

It was clear the meaning behind what the company stood for was lacking.  I needed to understand their reasons why they do what they do, what makes them tick and goals for the agency.  I started with a workshop, interviewing agency management.  This was followed by collecting confidential client feedback on what they thought about WK360, both the good and the bad.  From there, a new agency positioning was created, built around ‘problem solving’ - focused on both client and agency feedback.



The positioning led to new branding, building on WK360’s existing values and promises.  A new website was produced to bring the proposition to life and align all services. 


This positioning continues to resonate well with existing clients and prospects alike.  It has also solidified the agency within the market, opening up new opportunities.  

Design Agency X

Agency Challenge

To drive agency awareness and increase the new business pipeline.


My Solution

I was initially brought in to work on the agency’s positioning on a project basis.  After completion of the positioning and realising a marketing and new business strategy was essential, I was asked to provide ongoing support.  I put a plan in place that reflected the agency’s goals.  I’ve been working with them for just over a year, implementing their marketing and new business plan.



PR coverage has increased with several articles in some of the top industry publications - with one piece of coverage directly leading to a new client.  Relationships have been made with three separate referral bodies, all leading to converted new business and continuing to do so - four in the past year. 


A system has been recently set up for public sector tenders, which is already gaining traction.  On submission of a tender last month, the agency was awarded and has already started working on the brief.  I continue to support them each month on lead nurturing, PR, content writing and tender support.

Integrated Agency X

Agency Challenge 

I was approached by a large integrated creative agency just under a year ago.  They had grown and diversified at pace.  After nearly 20 successful years, they wanted to evolve their brand from a specialist brand, design and engagement agency to a fully integrated creative group. 


My Solution

Despite having a client list of well-known global brands, the agency had little or no relationships with journalists and referral bodies.  I needed to increase their credibility in the integrated creative space.  I began with a strategy, a marketing and new business plan that focused on awareness and new business for the group.  As part of the overall plan, there was also a big push on prospecting to targeted sectors.



This is a long term project, where I’m continuing to assist the agency.  I have built up journalist relationships, gained coverage in some top industry and sector specific press.  Beginning to create awareness and a buzz around the group name.  Relationships have also begun with referral bodies, making sure these are maximised in order to achieve the right new business opportunities.  The prospect programme has led to an initial client introduction, with a brief to follow in the new year. 

© 2021 by Charlotte Somerston

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